14 Mar

WARNING!!! The amount of presented food photography pictures will make you feel hungry.

Two days before lockdown our photosociety gathered for getting the experience in food photography and having some fun. We have visited Boco restaurant which is popular for making wood- fired pizza. Before shooting we had a detailed master class about the methods of photographing food, what light to prepare and how to get into this business. As an example, we have considered the website donalhealy.com  .

Most important tip, in my opinion, for capturing the nice and "tasty" photo is to shoot beside a window- use the maximum of natural light and avoid to use a flash! ( Also it would be ideal to get a special lighting)  Next,  experimenting with angles: high point, wide angle, close-up - everything should be tried. One more tip which is related to social skills is to be polite with restaurant staff- if you have good attitude towards people it will be easy to get perfect shots and get help from them.

Going to pizzeria was a really wonderful choice as pizzas look so photogenic!

But we didn't stop on pizzas only.

This pizzeria also has a bar inside.

Beside doing some photos of pizzas, snacks and drinks, we had a lot of fun! I would like to get more experience in this genre of photography.

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