24 Oct

Author’s aims:

The author’s aim in this article is to explore how the meaning of personal photographs changed moving from analogue to digital photography. The article was written to explain that photography could be used as mnemonic resource ( in other words, remembering the necessary information by using associations).

Context and Content:

By style of writing this article is intended for the older generation, who consider photography more as science than art. The article is full of terms which will not be understandable for students. Thus, they could find this document too hard to read and remember.

The analysis of key practices of photography is split on 4 sections: : photo-taking, photo-storing, photo-viewing and photo-sharing. Each of these photo practices has information analogue/ digital shift .

 In photo- taking section the key point is that over time it was possible to get candid, natural and relaxed photographs because of analogue/ digital shift modification. What’s more, it was mentioned the experience of British woman Helen, who took film snapshots to emphasize the fact how it was too difficult to capture every movement made by people. 

In photo- storing paragraph it is indicated that digital photographs have risks to get lost because of errors in digital technologies while the film photographs are more treasured and durable, possible to archiving. So that’s why film photographs in this way are one of the best mnemonic resources.

Photo- viewing of analogue and digital photographs have controversial opinions. Some people said that digital photographs are less possessive, less tangible and difficult to get a storage to them while other said that using telephones, computers, etc to get your photographs safe.

Finally, photo- sharing  has the strong view that photographs which are stored in albums are more considerate that digital ones. In other words, when people share analogue photos want to show the best ones while with digital photographs people don’t think too much about reconsideration

In conclusion, it was stated that the popular view about photographs is that they are durable source of memory and they have the ability of fixing human’s memory.

The conclusion the author made was described extensively by using lots of examples from literature and notes given for this article. This text made me realize that although conditions changed, the value of vernacular photography remains the same. However, the conclusion was too big that I, as a spectator, have lost my mind while reading it. It made me think that conclusion is mixed with subsection. Additionally, the information was hard to interpret because the text was not consequent. As a result, some sections of the article were a bit chaotical and complicated to understand.

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